Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Make it stop!

Well, I have finally decided to do this assignment over the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) focusing specially on elephants. 
I have screenshot the post on my twitter. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

EPL and more

I'll just come right out and say it... I and still a little confused about this assignment. I understand how we are supposed to incorporate The Rhetocrial Triangle and all of the other requirements for this assignment. Showing visual aids, so glad this is a requirement! It's so hard to sit through presentations that don't capture the eye. I have never done a full assignment based soley on using persuasive advertising.. I don't think I'll have a problem with it even though I hate the way it can be used. Manipulative, and overly heartfelt to the point that it just makes you sad. I don't plan on going that route. But I do plan on talking to you (teach), to get a better idea! (: 

Oh, we're halfway there!

This has been the toughest semester I have had this far in college. It is such a challenge to focus and do well in school while dealing with personal issues. However, I am still trying to be a good student. I think that even though it has been a tough semester it's a good life challenge. So far I have enjoyed this class very much. The way we are writing papers has definitely taken me out of my comfort zone because I am still unsure of my writing. I hope that I can do better for the remander of the 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Oh this is rough!

I am having such a hard time with this rough draft. This is OBVIOUSLY my biggest weakness as a writer! Coming up with a good idea that will flow well for at least six pages. So I just want to warn anyone that will be reading this incredibly ROUGH draft, don't judge it. I just can't get enough information solely on nursing homes. SO I will more than likely have to branch out.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

You Are Killin' Me Smalls

Well, so far I have come up with nothing but a headache. Not only am I bad at this blog style type of writing, but the "creative writing process" as well. I have been working 16/18 hour shifts almost everyday so if I am not there, I am sleeping, or dealing with my new 8 week old puppy. The nursing home has been the only thing on my mind really. I have been racking my brain trying to come up with a topic for this paper. That is one of my biggest weaknesses as a developing writer. If the teacher gives me a topic, I am good to go! Coming up with one on my own, now that is a different story.
However, I am thinking about doing my topic on something that deals with working in a nursing home. Now this topic could be tricky due to the fact that I cannot break HIPPA laws. I am thinking I will make my proposal on what I think should be done to people who commit "elder abuse" or rather just on the ignorant people I work with. I have yet to decide, I am still in the process of figuring it out.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Plagiarism is defined as "an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as ones own." To be completely honest I have probably plagiarized a few times unintentionally. I know that it is an issue that needs to be taken more seriously, even by myself. Also, I probably need to learn to cite my sources more accurately to make sure that I am in no way plagiarizing. Cheating is something that I feel is wrong and goes against my morals. Whether it is in a relationship or on a test at school. You have to be able to do your own work because no one can do it for you 100% of the time.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Big blogging on B L O G's

This is the first time I will be posting my writings publically. I have always been reluctant when it comes to people seeing what I post or reading what I have written .I am not really even a big fan of Facebook, I have only ever really posted pictures or messaged people. So, I am completely being taken out of my element with this blog but I will learn to be okay with it. I found chapters one and two to be informative and helpful. Especially with the thesis statements! I still struggle with my writing and still make many mistakes. During the semester I will definitely be looking back at these chapters to help me develop into a better writer.